50 minute consultation: $260.00
If you have a Mental Health Care Plan referral to see me from your GP or psychiatrist, Medicare will subsidise up to 20 sessions per calendar year with an amount starting from $129.55.
For more information on:
- Medicare rebates
- Assessments and reports
- Non attended session fees
Please call Chinwag on 03 9419 7172
Rachel De Campo
Clinical Psychologist
B.A. (Psych), M.Psych(Couns), P.Grad(Clin), MAPS.
I work with clients who have difficulties with attention and concentration, which impacts on their social relationships and academic/work performance. Many of my clients present with depression, anxiety and have relationship issues.
My main areas of expertise are around managing stress associated with difficulty reaching your full potential. I work with clients to improve work habits and overcome procrastination so that they can work towards their goals. I support clients to work on their relationship issues by enhancing communication skills and understanding of healthy relationships.
My therapeutic style is to provide a mindfulness approach and work with you to become acquainted with patterns in your life. I like to explore your past and present relationships and uncover patterns, behaviours, and your reactions to situations. My style of therapy is rarely short-term as we explore your past and present to have effective change for your future.
I see clients who have:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship issues
- Chronic pain
- Sleep problems
- Grief